Currently, there is nothing medicinally or therapeutically on the market to prevent an outbreak of fever blisters or cold sores, aside from maintaining a strong immune system. The only recourse is to employ an ideal remedy to make them disappear as quickly as they arrive.
The claims suggest one of the benefits of essential oils properties boast this ability. These tout to reduce the ‘active’ timeframe for the sores, allowing for faster healing after the blister has gone away.
Cold Sores / Fever Blisters / Herpes Heal With Essential Oils
The herpes simplex virus or HSV-1 is referred to in several different ways, most commonly by ‘cold sores.’ These have the potential to stay active for a duration of up to four weeks before the blisters heal entirely. The virus is painful, looks awful, and is extremely contagious.
Any method of treatment needs applying with a disposable cotton swab. You don’t want to touch the area or place any kind of applicator on the spot. If you do touch it with your exposed finger, it’s critical that you wash your hands thoroughly afterward.
Unless the virus is caught before the blister pops, most over-the-counter solutions don’t have the capacity to decrease healing time. Suggestions indicate that the most useful resource to get rid of these nuisances rapidly are essential oils- read this article. The reason being the oils absorb instantly through the skin when applied topically directly to the area. Among the ones with the most useful properties for these sores include:
- The Tea Tree: The product touts as one of the oils you should always have on hand, particularly if you’re prone to the herpes virus. The antiviral properties boast beneficial against the infection, and the anti-inflammatory and antiseptic characteristics allow for wound cleansing. This substance should be diluted in a carrier like a coconut oil dabbing your sore two times each day.
- The Ginger: Dabbing what could be an open wound with a warm, spiny solution might seem like an oxymoron, but lab studies show symptoms decreasing through the use of the root. The indication is there is potential for ginger’s properties to heal the sore faster along with soothing the discomfort and irritation.
- The Chamomile (Roman): You’ll find this solution to be the most effective if you catch your lip-tingling in the beginning stages before a blister sets in. It offers antiviral properties to fight the sores, even those that are drug-resistant.
- The Anise: Anise has been found in studies to stop the viral infections before they begin, but it also helps combat the sores once they appear. One component unique to this oil is its capacity to reduce symptoms associated with stress.
Sadly, enduring the annoyance and discomfort of fever blisters exacerbates stress levels for many people. Stressors can, in turn, make the virus worse. Indulging in Anise alleviates the aggravations of dealing with the condition while still treating the ailment, basically taking care of two problems in one application.
- The Oregano: Studies concluded that this particular substance has an exceptional effect on the herpes virus, making it among the most used oil for cold sores. Applying it in a diluted manner to the affected area provides immediate relief. It boasts an ability to prevent more inflamed areas from developing throughout its course and decreases recovery time.
- The Peppermint: There isn’t a lot that peppermint oil can’t do. It is an extraordinary substance with exceptional properties. It boasts not only the capacity to reduce the symptoms associated with cold sore outbreaks but touts the capability of killing activated occurrences.
These are only a small glimpse into the number of uses this substance provides. It’s one oil you want to have in your medicine cabinet.
For those prone to the herpes simplex condition, the blisters come at the most inopportune times without warning for the most part and last extended periods. Sadly, the sufferers go through trials of various medications, generally to no avail. For guidance on treating fever blisters follow .
With the findings in clinical trials touting the benefits of essential oils in fighting the virus, people can rid themselves of the discomfort, aggravation, and unsightly disturbance in a much faster, noninvasive way.
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