Handbags are a fundamental element of any wardrobe. But not just any bag, every person is craving for and raving about designer handbags. Yes, people are willing to spend thousands of dollars on designer handbags. After all, stylish designer products are not just great accessories; they are also excellent in making outfits. Whether it’s a satchel, clutches or shoulder handbag, a designer handbag provides it courier with status and make them feel really great about themselves.
However, while many people dream of getting the Gucci Soho Leather Cross-Body Bag, the Prada Saffiano Leather Tote and other top designer handbags, they are only able to purchase them at prices below retail. As a result, they go on a pursuit for pre-owned versions in consignment shops and online discounters. Unfortunately, this opens up an opportunity for bootleg handbags. When it comes to designer handbags, there are a plethora of sophisticated fakes and seeing through the charades can be quite tricky.
Getting duped by a ‘super fake’ designer handbag can be quite frustrating and infuriating. Imagine showing off your recently-purchased Louis Vuitton Neverfull Tote to your girlfriends only to have one of them point out that you might have bought a fake. It can be quite embarrassing, not to mention you’d have spent hundreds or maybe thousands of dollars on it. So, how do you save yourself from such an ordeal? It’s straightforward, see through their deception – learn how to distinguish a real designer handbag from fakes. Here are tips to help you spot a counterfeit designer purse:
If It’s Shiny Think Again
While you can always distinguish a real Balenciaga BB Bleu Nuit Quilted Velvet Chain Wallet from a fake one, counterfeiters are improving their game and make it quite challenging for a novice to tell the difference. However, phony designer purses seem to have something in common, the color is often off and are shinier than the real thing. So, if you come across a designer handbag that has an exaggerated shine, think again before you make the purchase. Contrary to a common misconception, not all designer handbags are shiny. Moreover, most designer purses darken with age whereas fake bags that use vinyl materials retain their color.
Off-Scale Prices
To identify fakes, you need to do a little homework on designer handbag prices. Typically, the market will determine the rate for designer purses. Therefore, when you come across a designer handbag being sold at a price that is way off the sale – chances are it’s a counterfeit. For instance, the Bulgari’s Serpenti Forever Shoulder Bag goes for $2,700 from their store. So, when you find it online going for $500, buy at your own peril. While everyone loves a great deal and of course, designer handbags, very few shops, if any, would sell you an authentic Bulgari at such a throw-away price. Are you on a tight budget and can’t afford a designer purse? It’s OK; besides, you can always save and wait to get your dream Gucci purse than get a fake bag.
Made In China Label
This might come out as a cliche, but a made in China label is a dead giveaway. Gucci purses are made in Italy. Therefore, if you see the made in China label, then you know it’s a fake. Research on where designer handbags are manufactured to help you spot fakes.
Pay Attention To The Details
When buying a designer purse, you’ll probably be spending thousands of dollars for it – so, mind the details. After all, the devil is in the details. Thoroughly inspect the handbag to authenticate it and make sure you are purchasing an authentic bag. Some of the things to look out for when verifying a designer handbag include:
– Craftsmanship & Attention To Detail
How are the pockets placed? How are the words written? Are all the pockets there? Often fakes will not pay attention to details and will misspell the name of the brand and even the materials used. Sometimes the real thing will have pockets but some with zippers and other without the zippers. However, fakes might have the same pockets but all with zippers. Designer handbags are not labeled as such for nothing, their craft speaks for itself. They stand by their craftsmanship, and the stitching is usually perfectly even. The sticking on a fake will be uneven unlike for authentic designer purses where everything is precisely matched.
– Material: Many designer handbags are made of leather, but not all. However, most have leather flaps or straps. For instance, the Gucci Marmont is made of velvet material with leather straps. Also, popular Louis Vuitton Monogram Canvas is a canvas coated bag but also has leather straps. So, if the material should be canvas or leather, make sure it is before you buy. Also, note that leather feels dry, velvet is soft and smooth whereas canvas is a bit rough. So, if the material is shiny, sticky, oily and slippery, it’s definitely a fake.
– Lining: Often, counterfeiters don’t have access to the authentic product and will, therefore, work with photos to make fakes. And even if they have access to a real designer handbag, when they mass produce, they will slip up and mess the lining of the purse. Carefully inspect the inside of an authentic designer purse and check the color. All handbags from the same brand have the same color and not a close approximation. So, don’t gamble and assume that they made a mistake – because they didn’t, it’s a fake.
When shopping for a designer purse, you should get nothing short of a fabulous handbag. So, when you are out looking for your favorite designer handbag, touch it, don’t overlook anything and know who you’re buying from. Don’t be tricked into spending hundreds and hundreds of dollars for a fake. However, some malicious shoppers have no clue when it comes to designer handbags and falsely label authentic products as fakes. To make sure you don’t call shenanigans on authentic designer purses, get familiar with designer bags to help you tell the difference between a fake and the real thing.
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