The common cold, despite the name, does not have a cure. When you come down with symptoms of a cold, you need to prepare yourself for several days of misery and plenty of rest. What you can do in the meantime is to try some well-known and effective remedies to make it a little less insufferable while you allow your body to heal and recover naturally. Here are natural remedies that can help reduce the discomfort of enduring a cold.
Turmeric and ginger tea
You may have already heard about the excellent benefits of turmeric, and many recommend drinking turmeric for colds. Scientific studies show that turmeric contains a powerful anti-oxidant called Curcumin which can help boost the immune system and reduce inflammation.
You can make turmeric tea and combine it with ginger to help soothe a sore throat and reduce further symptoms. Turmeric is also available in supplement form which you can take directly or combined with other beverages such as fruit juice mixed with a shot of turmeric and ginger.
Hydration and nutrition
When you are staying home due to a bout of cold, the best thing you can do to recover quickly is to drink plenty of fluids and eat nutritious food high in vitamin C. But, hydration also means you need to stay away from coffee, alcoholic drinks, and other caffeinated drinks that can worsen dehydration. Drink water, fruit juices, and natural teas as well as eat lots of fruits to help your body combat the illness.
Increase air humidity
Decongestion is one of the most uncomfortable symptoms of a cold. It is much harder to sleep when your nose is stuffy. Adding moisture to the air in your room or home can help loosen a congested nose. There are vaporizers and humidifiers you can use along with essential oils to improve air humidity and reduce nasal congestion. If the congestion is too severe, you may also try over-the-counter nasal sprays.
Pain medication
If you are experiencing some aches and pains along with the usual symptoms of a cold, you can try pain medication like Ibuprofen. Nevertheless, you need to ensure that you are taking the proper dose or at least consult your doctor if you are taking other medicine for a chronic condition.
Over-the-counter cold medicine
Cold medication will not exactly cure the symptoms but may help relieve some discomfort like nasal congestion. There are over-the-counter cold medicines with multiple ingredients, so you still need to be careful and take them with precaution.
Probiotics are not necessarily a cure for cold symptoms but including them in your diet regularly can help boost the immune system and strengthen your body’s natural defence against illness. There are many nutritious and delicious sources of probiotics like yogurt which you can eat daily as a snack.
Vitamin C supplements
Similar to probiotics, taking vitamin C supplements can also help improve your immune system and reduce your risk of getting sick when it is the cold or flu season. You can drink vitamin C supplements or get your daily dose from fruits and vegetables.
To read more on topics like this, check out the health category.
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