Cancer is caused by the rampant growth of abnormal cells within the body. It can start at any part of the human body and spread through blood and lymph to form new cells. Besides, cancer is caused by a change in genes that control how our body cells function. These genetic variations can be hereditary or due to DNA damage caused by environmental exposure such as radiation and chemicals from tobacco. Cancer cells can influence healthy blood cells from supplying tumours with sufficient oxygen and nutrients.
Although each cancer has its features, the process that produces cancer cells is quite similar to all forms of cancer diseases. Discussed below are some common types of cancer you need to know about in 2020.
1. Breast cancer
It forms in the breast cells either in the lobules, ducts or at the fibrous connective tissue. It is associated with a breast lump that can be felt at the surrounding tissue. Breast cancer cells can easily affect other healthy breast parts as well as travel to lymph nodes under the arms. Various factors, such as lifestyle and environmental aspects, have been identified as the major contributing factors in causing breast cancer.
2. Skin cancer
Most skin cancers are often developed due to prolonged sun exposure. Such exposure induces DNA mutations that affect the epidermis cells. There are two major types of skin cancer, Basal cell carcinoma, and squamous cell carcinoma. A low distant spread characterizes the latter as opposed to the prior type. In case you experience worrying changes on your skin, oncologists recommend seeking medical attention early before the issue persists.
3. Prostate cancer
Today prostate cancer has become a heated topic of discussion among men. Prostate cancer starts at the prostate gland and is usually coupled with minimal harm at a mild stage. Nevertheless, advanced prostate cancer triggers problems while peeing, blood in semen, among other symptoms. The risk of receiving such cancer increases with age, history, and obesity. For reasons not yet determined, it is more vulnerable to black men than men from other races.
4. Leukemia
Mostly, leukemia is caused by an increase in white blood cells in the body. Such an influx of white blood cells suppresses the red blood cells and platelets needed by the body to be healthy. Different types of leukemia have different impacts, which may be unnoticeable at the initial stages. The symptoms may include fatigue, seizures, pain in your joints, weight loss, and many more. Leukemia can be grouped by how fast it progresses, and the type of white blood cell affected.
5. Cervical cancer
Cervical cancer occurs at the underneath part of the uterus that connects to the vagina. Most cervical cancer cases are triggered by the human papillomavirus, which can be prevented through a vaccine. Cervical cancer can be easily confused for menstrual periods or urinary infections since it is accompanied by unusual bleeding either between periods, after sex, or after menopause. It is diagnosed through the use of a pap test that involves cervix swabbing using a cotton-like swab, which is then examined from the laboratory.
6. Bladder cancer
It is caused by abnormal bladder cell growth, which leads to the formation of tumours. It begins from the urothelial cells and can expand to the entire urinary tract. Bladder cancer is linked with blood in urine, pain while peeing as well as pelvic pain. It is more prevalent in men than in women and more so the white people. Besides, if you have received a pelvis radiation treatment, chances are you have an elevated risk of developing bladder cancer.
Living a healthy lifestyle such as eating fruits and vegetables, maintaining weight, and avoiding hard drugs is the most excellent way to fight cancer. Despite the fact that cancer has been a mammoth issue to the health sector today, the treatments are continually improving, and many patients are benefiting from the new options.
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