While the true detrimental effects of electromagnetic field radiation still have to be proven, our long-term exposure to such radiation may already be affecting our health. If you feel lethargic or without energy or you have trouble sleeping and are suffering from insomnia, this could already be a sign that you have too much exposure to EMF radiation. But while you can do something about it, such as limit calls on your cell phone and use your cell phone’s speaker function, turn off your WiFi when no one is using it, and so on, you can also increase your immunity by being careful about what you eat. The food we eat can undoubtedly contribute to better health, but there are foods which are also known for their antioxidant properties and other properties which can help alleviate the effects of toxic radiation. So, do you want to increase your immunity to overexposure to EMFs? Here’s what you should eat.
Foods rich in antioxidants, vitamin E and C
Antioxidant-rich foods are plentiful, and they’ve become quite popular in recent years for their many beneficial properties. For vitamin C, you can eat a lot of organic fruits; wild blueberries and other wild berries such as strawberries and raspberries are particularly recommended. If you want to increase your intake of vitamin E, you should go for nuts such as almonds. You can also enhance your intake of vitamin C by taking magnesium ascorbate supplements once a day.
Foods rich in caffeic acid
There are also foods which are rich in caffeic acid, such as cauliflower and cabbage, kale, bok choy, Brussels sprouts, and even fruits like apples.
Foods rich in melatonin
Melatonin is known to have a protective effect on the human brain, so you can take supplements of melatonin as well. But your body also produces melatonin, and if you want your body to produce a higher level of melatonin, you should sleep in a pitch-dark room and try to turn off all your appliances which emit EMFs at night because light, as well as EMFs, can inhibit the production of melatonin in your body.
Foods rich in Omega 3-fatty acids
Foods rich in Omega 3-fatty acids include olive oil as well as fatty fish such as salmon. You can also increase your intake of Omega 3-fatty acids in your diet by eating more nuts and flax seeds, as well as linseed oil and flaxseed oil.
Other foods you can eat
Turmeric is a spice which has plenty of beneficial properties since it contains curcumin, which is a strong antioxidant. If you want to increase your absorption of this particular spice, you can add it to extra virgin oil and include a pinch of black pepper. You can also cook with coconut oil or eat coconut oil which is unrefined or virgin coconut oil. Other foods you can eat to protect from EMFs include asparagus and artichokes. Asparagus is known for its high levels of zinc, selenium, and glutathione.
The food you eat makes a world of difference, not just to your overall health, but also with your body’s protection from EMF radiation. And if you want to be sure of protecting yourself even while using EMF-emitting devices such as cell phones and computers, you can benefit from EMF protection products as well, which include jewellery and pendants, shields, and chips.
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