As parents, it is sometimes hard for us to admit that our children our growing up, and one of the hardest things for us to admit is that our teens may be thinking about or even having sex. We don’t like to think about it, and we certainly don’t like to talk about it. However, it is extremely important for someone to talk to our kids about having safe sex and the dangers of having unprotected sex.
Sex education can open students’ eyes to all the different dangerous diseases out there. Even though students may know that herpes and AIDS exist, they may not understand that once a person contracts one of these diseases, they can never be cured. Sex ed can help open their eyes to that fact.
Furthermore, teenagers often like to think they know everything, and there are always crazy ideas floating around out there that teens hear and then latch onto as gospel truth, such as the fact that girls can only get pregnant on the second day of their period, or that as long as the boy pulls out, the girl can’t get pregnant at all, or that herpes can’t be passed from person to person if the two people are the same sex. These are all ridiculously false, but teens believe them. Sex education is a place where teens can ask these questions and get accurate, scientific information to dispute these erroneous ideas.
Sex ed is also a place where teens can safely find out where they can go to get condoms and birth control, which is something they may not feel comfortable talking about with their parents. They can learn about sites such as STD Testing Facilities, where they can find places to be tested for STDS and what to do if they suspect they may have already contracted an STD and the steps to take to keep from spreading it to other people.
Finally, sex education is important because it can teach young people, particularly young ladies, about what an unsafe relationship looks like. Teens can learn to recognize the signs of an abusive partner and how to get themselves out of dangerous relationships. They learn to respect themselves and one another, and they learn they don’t have to become or remain victims. It is also a class that teaches both young men and young women that it is okay to say “No.” It also teaches them the importance of respecting someone’s choice to say “No.”
So parents, I know the idea of a class teaching your kids safe alternatives to sex and ways to have sex safely sounds scary, but I promise you, it is so important. If your children want to have sex, they are going to find ways to have sex. Please support your local high school’s sex education programs so that at least they can have the knowledge and support they need to high sex safely.
Author Bio: Paige Jirsa– I work with, which provides users same day STD testing in a discrete and proficient manner.
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