When it gets hot outside, it’s usually worth your time and money to find ways that you can keep your home cool without having to run your air conditioner around the clock. But while some of the smaller actions you can take will prove to be minimally beneficial, it’s often a genuine home improvement project that can make the biggest difference for you.
To help you learn which projects are going to be best for you to undertake, here are three home improvement projects that will help keep your home cool in the heat.
Fight Back Against The Sun
One strategy you can try to keep your home cooler is to find some ways that you can fight back against the heat.
According to Melina Gillies, a contributor to the Family Handyman, if you’re able to find a way to put your home in more of a shaded position, you could see a big decrease in the temperature that your home naturally reaches. This can be done by planting trees or other foliage around your home to cast a shadow over the structure. However, if this option doesn’t work for you, you can also try using lighter colors on your home or even white on your roof to further reflect the sun and keep everything inside your home cooler.
Prepare Your Windows
Heat can easily enter your home through your windows, as the sun can penetrate through the glass and then heat up your space as it stays trapped in there.
Luckily, there are a few simple home improvement projects that you can do to keep the sun from entering your rooms through your windows. According to HomeAdvisor.com, the best and easiest thing to do is to install some window coverings that you can pull over your windows during the hottest parts of the day. By using a thick material for curtains, you can effectively block the sun from getting into your home and keep the entire space at a consistently lower temperature.
Beef Up Your Insulation
Not only should you be focusing your attention on home improvement projects that can help to keep the heat out, but you should also concern yourself with how you can keep the cool air in.
To do this, Lauren Smith McDonough, a contributor to HouseBeautiful.com, advises that you spend some time and money beefing up with insulation throughout your space. Traditionally, your attic should be your top priority, as heat can easily come into your home through the attic from the sun’s harsh rays. So if any area of your home is lacking in insulation, this could be a great project to take on that will help your home stay cool.
Install Solar Panels
If you’re worried about the cost of energy or effects on the environment by using your air conditioning regularly, you might want to consider having solar panels installed. This can help you combat the heat without breaking the bank or the ecosystem. To learn more about solar panels, check out https://sunly.ca/.
If you’re wanting to make some changes around your home to prepare for the heat of summer, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you do just this.
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