Although the school year has just begun in many places, it’s really never too early to start planning for the winter holidays. In fact, because things can get so crazy and hectic around the end of the year, it’s wise to begin your holiday plans as early as possible.
As part of your holiday itinerary, you may be wanting to throw your own holiday party to celebrate with friends and family. And while holiday parties may look different this year, there are still a few things that you should do to ensure that, regardless of the size of your get-together, everyone is able to stay safe.
To help you with this, here are three tips for safer holiday parties.
Know Your Drinking Limit
During parties and around the holidays, people tend to indulge in alcohol a little more freely than they might at other times of the year. And while this can make your experience more fun and carefree, drinking too much could also put you and others at risk.
For this reason, Aine Cain and Rachel Premack, contributors to Business Insider, recommend that you always show up to holiday parties with a drink limit. In addition to only allowing yourself a certain number of drinks, you should also be aware of when you need to stop drinking in order to get yourself home safely at the end of the night.
Be Careful When Decorating
While the decor at winter holiday parties is necessary to bring the right ambiance to your event, you should try your best to only decorate in a way that you’re sure will prevent people from having any kind of accident on your property.
According to the National Safety Council, overloading your electrical outlets, using breakable decorations, leaving items unsecured, and other decorating mishaps could result in someone getting hurt at your party. And while this could really dampen the mood, it could also get you in legal trouble in some situations. So before you have people over for your holiday party, make sure your home is safe for your guests.
Keep The Food Safe
At many holiday parties, the food is left out buffet-style for everyone to enjoy. But while this can make getting and eating food more convenient, it also could potentially make the food unsafe for people to be consuming.
Knowing this, the USDA recommends that you find a way to keep any hot foods hot and any cold foods cold throughout your entire party. This will help people avoid eating any food that could make them sick or give them food poisoning due to being left out for too long.
If you’re planning on throwing a holiday party this winter, consider using the tips mentioned above to help your event be safe for all in attendance.
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