It is understandable why anyone would want to have their nose pierced. Not only does it look hot and exciting, but there is a certain allure to people who have facial piercings. That said, such a decision is not something to be made lightly. If you are chalking it up to being spontaneous, you could end up regretting your decision.
While it is fine to want to have your septum pierced, it would not be a good idea to have it done without at least being aware of a few points. That way, you will not be blindsided by something that you could have avoided had you read up in advance. Here are just a few things to consider for those interested in having their septum pierced.
Keep in mind that most jobs will likely not accept a facial piercing
While ear piercings are relatively common, a beautiful Nose Ring could very well net you the wrong kind of attention. For example, most jobs are unwilling to hire people who have facial piercings, which could complicate your desire to get your septum pierced. While you can just remove the jewelry if ever you are going to work, it is not a good idea when you have just recently been pierced. After all, there is a healing and aftercare process, and the removal of the jewelry could have a few consequences.
The healing and aftercare process can take a long time
One of the reasons why it is not a good idea to have your nose pierced if your job does not accept it is the fact that it can take a long time for a piercing to fully heal. It can take up to two months – if not longer – for a piercing to heal. During the process, you will also need to wear jewelry to keep the piercing open. Otherwise, it could end up closing when it heals, which means that you have to go through the same process all over again.
That said, it is possible to have your jewelry turned upwards, though it might result in more pain.
There is a little more pain to a septum piercing than people realise
For some, they think that the worst part of having a septum piercing is the process of piercing. However, most people who have nose rings will likely tell you that the most painful process is the insertion of jewelry to keep the wound from closing. While there is not enough pain for it to be a cause for concern, it is still vital that you understand that there will be pain, especially during the aftercare process.
While getting a nose ring comes with its own set of challenges, anyone who genuinely wants to have a piercing will do it anyway. The important part is that you go through with it while completely aware of what you are getting into. Without a doubt, getting a nose ring is exciting, but it can be a very involved process.
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