Working out is an important part of most people’s lifestyles, and that means that you need the right kind of clothing to handle it properly. It’s fairly easy to get hold of regular clothes that are comfortable enough to wear during your exercise routines, but shoes can make it difficult, especially if you switch between a lot of workout techniques and aren’t just doing the same thing over and over again.
Each kind of exercise works best with a different style of shoe: here are some of the most notable examples.
Running/Gym Shoes
Running shoes are the easiest type to find. Since they’re purpose-built for running, they’re generally all comfortable and cushioned, with some extra flexibility and strength compared to regular footwear. The only choice you might have to make it how breathable they are, since breathability helps in hot conditions but might be a problem in cooler ones. In fact, a lot of them work perfectly as gym shoes too, so you don’t need to go for anything fancy – just make sure you get the right size and shape for your feet.
Remember that this applies to treadmills, too, with the only difference being that weather isn’t as much of a factor. If you’re only planning to run indoors, you won’t need something like waterproofing, for example. The shoes also change depending on where you’re running: if you’re taking a natural trail, you’ll want different shoes for working out compared to somebody who only keeps to paved paths.
Jumping Rope
When you’re jumping rope, shoes need to protect you from repeated impacts with the ground, whether you’re indoors or outdoors. Shoe Adviser has quite a few good options they’ve reviewed for this particular activity. High padding is always essential here, as well as a strong outsole that can hold the bottom of the shoe together for much longer. Good grip can also help you keep your balance when you’re using the jumping rope shoes indoors on a smooth surface, since you’ll be less likely to fall over if you land in the wrong way or get tangled in the rope.
Lifting Weights (on your feet)
Weights don’t usually require you to move around a lot, but heavier weights can become much easier to handle if you’re able to balance properly. Because of that, it’s often a good idea to buy shoes that have an excellent gripping surface and outsole, since this stops your leg from slipping and makes sure that your feet always go exactly where they’re supposed to. Shoes for working out with weights should probably also be more durable, since you’re adding a lot of weight to your body and generally concentrating it all on your feet.
Lifting Weights (on a bench)
If you’re lifting a single large barbell weight during a bench press session, you might think that shoes aren’t too important, since you’ll be lying on your back. However, the grip is also important here, too: you’ll be using your feet to keep you in the right place and make sure that your form is good, so a smooth surface that can’t grip properly becomes really useful for safety reasons.
It can also make it easier to pull yourself off the bench if something goes wrong and you need to get out of the way of the weight, although this will only happen if you’re not using the equipment safely.
Boxing, Dance and High-Impact Exercise
Any workout that involves a lot of movement, varied step pressure and rapid changes in your stance needs gym shoes to match. Always go for maximum cushioning and durability if possible, since you want your shoes to protect you and keep you on your toes for longer. Don’t forget that flexibility plays a big role here, too: stiff shoes will get much harder to move in.
Other Exercises?
There are hundreds of ways to exercise, and it’s impossible to tell what each person will consider to be the ‘best’ kind of shoe for their workout routine. If you want the best shoes for working out, you’ll have to research your options more thoroughly. Take a look at sites like Shoe Adviser to get an idea of what you can find on the internet, as well as some examples of good shoes that people are already using for various activities or situations: you never know what you’ll find!
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