Making money on the internet is something that many people would love to be able to do and the lifestyle which you can have if you are able to, is one filled with freedom and one which offers a great many working benefits. When my college friend Mahesh Navani made the announcement to us that she was going to endeavor to build an online business, many of us thought that she may not succeed but she managed to prove everyone wrong. Over the last 5 years Mahesh Navani has done exactly that and made a great living online, and here is how she was able to make her money.
Writing has made up a huge part of Mahesh Navani’s life and through the written work which she has done online she has been able to put herself on a sound financial footing. For many years Mahesh would simply make money however she could online but after finding 2 or 3 webmasters who required content on their websites, she began to make a steady monthly income. This is without question one of the best ways for anyone starting out, to make a good earning online and there are a huge number of positions which call for writers.
As I mentioned, when Mahesh Navani was starting out she was would try to make money in any way possible and that included online surveys. Basically what this is are surveys which are used by big companies and governments to better understand their demographics. These surveys are hosted by a third party platform and you will sign up for the platform and then you will be paid a small amount for every survey which you fill out. The work is time consuming and it doesn’t pay very much, but it still a solid way to make an income online.
Drop Shipping
Mahesh’s newest endeavor is drop shipping, a way in which you can run a sales business online which doesn’t involve you touching any stock or fulfilling any orders. Mahesh has a website which she uses to sell gadgets and mobile phone equipment and it is already in profit. Essentially what she doe is to manage the shop window, and then any orders are processed by a third party, she makes money from the consumer, buys the stock from the third party at a lower price and then is left with the profit. This is a venture which is more difficult to manage than I have perhaps made it sound, and it is a new and exciting business method which a great many people are starting to realize the benefits of.
These are juts 3 of the many ways that Mahesh Navani was able to make money online. Without a shadow of a doubt however, what enabled her to make money online was her desire and her willingness to do whatever it took, do that and you too could be making a living online.
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