Job seekers use different means to look for vacant positions, from online job boards to social media networks such as Facebook. Because of this, a lot of companies are utilizing the power of the internet and developing marketing strategies to attract top talent. If you want potential candidates to see you as someone they’d want to work for check out the tips listed below to discover a few key recruitment marketing strategies for your talent acquisition.
1. Ensure that your recruitment ads paint your business in a positive light
It’s well worth making sure that your recruitment ads convince potential applicants that your business is a great place to work for. Many businesses make the mistake of asking potential applicants too many questions, without first selling the idea of why working for them would benefit their career.
At the start of your recruitment ads make sure to tell your potential applicants what they’ll get out of working for your business. As an example does your business offer leadership training opportunities or a great work life balance? Or does your business offer a positive and inspiring atmosphere?
Before publishing a recruitment ad, read through your ad and ask yourself if you’d be excited to apply for a position with your company after reading it.
2. Mention any awards which your business has won
It’s also a wise idea to mention any awards which your business has won. As an example, if your business has won national or international awards for being a top employer, it’s well worth sharing your accolades with potential applicants. Although, you can also mention any awards which your business has won, not just employee related awards.
As an example, if your business has won numerous awards for being one of the fastest growing businesses around, it’s well worth sharing this news in your recruitment ads. As most job hunters would love to work for a business which is growing from strength to strength and has a promising future.
3. Consider paying to have your ad shown on the first page of search results
When individuals are searching for jobs in your area, their search should bring up multiple pages of job ads. Your business will attract far more applications if your business’ ad turns up on the first page of job ads in your area. It’s well worth considering paying to have your recruitment ad shown on the very first page of search results.
4. Promote your business’ key values
By promoting your business’ key values it will attract job applicants who share the same values as you do and who will be a great fit for your vacant job positions. So don’t be afraid to talk about your business’ top 3 values. As an example, your business’ top values may be customer service, innovation and creativity.
5. Get some of your current employees to share their thoughts on working for your business
Why not ask some of your business’ superstars to share their thoughts on your business? Job seekers are more likely to believe what employees have to say for a company they are interested to apply for than the employers themselves. They seek out reviews, employee feedback and base their decision from that alone. A good employee review could help you boost your brand and be an employer of choice.
So if you’re looking to attract new talent, it’s well worth utilizing all five of the recruitment marketing tips listed above!
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