If money saving tips knew that they were ten-a-penny, they’d find a way to be twenty-a-penny. Sorry, terrible joke. But it’s true. Advice on how to cut back on your daily, weekly, and monthly expenditures is rife. What it all boils down to is this: if debt is an issue, stop spending money on things you don’t need. Simple, right? Well, yes and no. Because what you need (if I remember correctly from my high school biology class), is food, water, shelter, and warmth. But squatting in an abandoned garage with a thick blanket and a plastic bag of groceries for company isn’t much of an existence. Which leaves us to wonder, what actually qualifies as a necessary expenditure? That’s why we thought we’d share tips on how to save money (visit site for extra advice) with homemade cleaning products – because we all need to clean our homes, and the cost of some of the more “TV-advertised” cleaning brands can be as eye-watering as the fumes they produce. Let’s get into it.
Use white wine vinegar as a multi-surface cleaner
White wine vinegar can tidy up a multitude of sins. From mould on the ceilings to other bacteria and germs that may swarm and multiply on kitchen and bathroom surfaces. Admittedly, the smell isn’t quite the same as you’d expect from up-market off the shelf brands, which tend to both promise and largely deliver on fresh and exotic scents that make your home smell like the inside of a peach. But savings are savings. And this is top tip.
Mix white wine vinegar with bicarbonate of soda for drains
A blocked drain is a smelly drain. And a smelly drain means a smelly house, because stenches do not typically stop at doorways and ask permission to enter the room. One blocked drain in a bathroom or kitchen can mean the whole house starts to pong within hours. Which would then be met with a swift dash to the nearest supermarket to purchase an expensive drain unblocker. Save the cash with a mixture of white wine vinegar and bicarbonate of soda. Job done.
Use bicarbonate of soda on its own to replace other household cleaning products
Bicarbonate of soda on its own is a fantastic all-rounder that can be used in place of most ‘cream’ cleaners. Not only is it a great substitute for bathroom surfaces (including PVC surfaces), you can count on bicarbonate of soda to de-grease any well-used oven grills or plastic food containers. Many people also report adding a little essential oil to their bicarbonate of soda to concoct a carpet cleaner – simply sprinkle on and leave to settle for around 30 minutes before vacuuming the area for a much brighter, cleaner, and more aromatic carpet.
Shine bright like a … lemon
Lemon juice is a well-known weapon in the arsenal against limescale, but it can also bring shine and new lease of life to add a fresh and zesty shine to all types of surfaces kitchen and bathroom surfaces – including faucets.
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