Self-confidence can be vapid. If you had it before, maybe it now escapes you? Or perhaps it’s always been a bit of a struggle to stride forward in life, throw caution to the wind, and try new things?
At any age, it’s important to not accept this aspect of yourself.
Let’s face it, it’s become ever more obvious now that life is precious, and every day must count. Not doing what you want has a consequence because there’s never a guarantee that we can circle back later to try again. Therefore, resting on our laurels isn’t a good practice.
Here are some practical suggestions for becoming more confident or regaining your confidence.
Acknowledge Your Achievements
When lacking in self-confidence, we often downplay past achievements.
The thinking goes that “Well… everyone can do that” when that’s not the case at all. Only some can, and many of those are not as good as you.
Realize that you’re capable, valuable, and worthy. Let that be your starting line back to self-confidence.
Spend Less Time on Social Media
Social media platforms create the tendency to negatively compare ourselves to others. This is then used as the benchmark for success.
The problem with this is that the impression given out on social media is entirely false. People put their best foot forward but fail to show what came before that. They rent a supercar and pretend they own it, etc. It is an unrealistic or false image of the world.
Consume fewer social media posts, shares, and tweets. Stop comparing yourself to others; it’s unhealthy.
Learn Something New
Taking up a new hobby or learning a new subject challenges you.
It’s a little scary to become a beginner again and to embrace that. But what it does is prove that you have the chops. That you have what it takes to become more than you were yesterday.
Taking the step to sign up for a course, pick up a book, or even watch an instructional video on YouTube requires courage. It also demonstrates that more is yet to come.
Improve Your Appearance
Improving your appearance will do wonders for your self-confidence. When going out in the world, you want to look your best. This also applies to talking with friends or taking office meetings on Zoom calls too.
See if a change of outfits will lift your spirits. If your fashion choices feel outdated, remedy that. After, you’ll have a more confident bearing, and people will notice.
Also, fix other aspects of your appearance that have always bugged you. For instance, if you’ve always had crooked teeth and they were never fixed in childhood, consider getting invisible braces now. It’s never too late. Teeth straightening will add a confident smile that’s bound to get a positive reaction; Alignerco discusses whether clear braces are bad for your teeth in the linked article. They can consult with you and create some clear aligners that slide into position and can be removed when going out. They require extra time to straighten moderately crooked teeth, but unlike with metal braces, you can remove them yourself.
Self-confidence is a tricky thing. One day you can seem positive and happy, and then next, you’re scared to try new things. The loss of confidence can come on suddenly. But don’t let that upset you. Take the steps above to begin to feel better.