Regardless of your age, staying in shape should be a priority. After all, physical fitness is more than just looking good. When your body is in shape you’re much healthier overall, and it leads to a better quality of life.
Yet, as our bodies get older, physical fitness becomes more than just a plus, it’s critical for our overall well-being. Perhaps one of the biggest reasons for this is because without being physically fit, we may risk injury, and even losing our independence.
Not to mention, looking great is just plain fun! It’s exciting to tell people your age and watch their jaws drop to the floor. Whether you live in an assisted living facility, or you’re still working at nine to five getting ready for retirement, here are some of the best tips for staying in shape over 60.
Prioritize Strength Training
Many people are so focused on cardio that they forget the importance of strength training. Strength training is one of the most effective ways to keep your body strong past a certain age. It helps maintain your muscle mass which in turn helps support your joints and improves your overall balance, ultimately reducing the risk of falling.
Aim for two to three training sessions a week focusing on your major muscle groups like legs and shoulders. Consider following a DVD, or even working with a trainer who can help ensure you have proper form, and get the most out of your workout.
Stay Active In General
Besides dedicating a specific window of time for workouts, it helps to stay generally active. In other words, try to stay on your feet even if it’s not solely for the purpose of getting exercise. Try to get up and stretch a few times during the day, and consider walking just for the pleasure of walking.
Perhaps you could go for a swim, or even take a little yoga class. The more you can stay active throughout the day in small spurts the more this activity will add up and ultimately benefit your body’s composition.
Eat For Energy
Rather than eating for pleasure, consider eating for energy. As you get older, your metabolism will start to slow down, so This is why you need to focus on eating nutrient dense foods rather than munching away on empty calories.
That doesn’t mean you necessarily have to be a maniac about your meals, by weighing everything out or counting every single calorie. It simply means focusing on the nutrients you’re eating every time you put something in your mouth. Blindly shoving things onto your plate can ultimately lead to excess calories, and putting on weight that you’d rather not gain in the big picture.